2004 Groundwater Management Plan

This Groundwater Management Plan is the result of this inexorable collaborative effort, which was single-minded in its effort to reinforce local control and provide direction for the sustainable development of this vital resource for the future social, economic and environmental viability of San Joaquin County. 

The American West and particularly the State of California is faced with the critical challenge of sustainable development and equitable management of increasingly scarce water resources. The entirety of this concern is framed by greater competition between regional powers for limited surface supplies from major rivers and heightened attention regarding the future use and control of groundwater by overlying landowners, appropriative agencies and the State. Consequently, the Northeastern San Joaquin County Groundwater Banking Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement was established in 2001 to provide a consensus-based forum for local water interests with historically diverse viewpoints regarding the exploitation of groundwater resources in the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Basin. Members agreed to work cooperatively with unanimity toward achieving water resource planning objectives and to speak with one regional voice.
